Edit Menu
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Undo has no function in SpeedShare Server.
Cut, Copy and Paste
Cut, Copy, and Paste perform the standard Macintosh text editing functions. Lines in the
Log window can be copied.
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Leave A Message
With SpeedShare Server, messages can be sent to connected users, and messages can be
delivered to users the next time they connect. Choose Leave A Message... to
see the following window:
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/server_docs/images/LeaveAMessage.gif/LeaveAMessage.gif)
Use the popup menu to choose the recipient of the message. Connected users have a diamond
next to their name. If the user is not currently connected, the message will be delivered
the next time the user connects.
Click Send or Save when you've composed your message.
Messages are stored in the Messages file, in the SpeedShare Folder, inside the
Preferences folder.
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The Preferences window has several pages. Each page is used to configure different preferences.
Most of the functions of SpeedShare Server are configured in the Preferences window.
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/server_docs/images/PrefsWindow.gif/PrefsWindow.gif)
Use the popup menu to choose a page, or
use the arrow buttons or the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Click the page you want to see:
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